October Monthly Meeting
Greetings! Join us for our October 25th monthly meeting. Meeting topic will be Have you outgrown your water rates? For complete details or to register click here. We look forward to see you there!
Greetings! Join us for our October 25th monthly meeting. Meeting topic will be Have you outgrown your water rates? For complete details or to register click here. We look forward to see you there!
Our speaker will be the President of Boston Safety Training, Mr. Dean Vanasse. Dean served in the Submarine Command during Operation Desert Storm. Dean will discuss the importance of training, good communication, following protocol and how to get along with people during a long tour. I am sure there will also be a few good … Read more
March 16, 2017-Joint Membership Meeting with PCWWA and BCWUA: Please join us at Lake Pearl for our Joint Membership meeting with Plymouth County Waterworks Association and Barnstable County Water Utilities Association. CLICK HERE for the details.
Two PCWWA events are on the calendar for October…. Training on SCADA Systems will be held on October 20, 2016 and you can register here. October Monthly Meeting will be held on October 26, 2016 and you can register here. Hope to see you at both upcoming events!